Our services

Our services:


DIfAM Certification focuses on certifying companies against the applicable standard, the internal quality system and the applicable legal requirements.

Our working method is characterized by:

  • Impartiality
  • Objectivity
  • Flexibility
  • Customer Focus
  •  Quality and expertise of our employees

Our expertise enables us to certify your organization against, among others, the following standards:

♦ ISO 55001
♦ NTA 8120
♦ ISO 9001
♦ The safety culture ladder

In addition, we can use our partners to have your company certified against ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 5000, ISO 27001, VCA, CKB, BCM, BRL.

DIfAM is accredited by the RvA (Board of Accreditation) for quality system certification against the ISO 9001 standard.

DIfAM is accredited by the RvA for the NEN-ISO 55001 Asset Management certification scheme.

DIfAM has trained employees to perform audits for the safety ladder.
The audits are carried out in accordance with NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17021.

Gap Analysis

By performing a GAP analysis, DIfAM provides insight into the difference between the current situation and the desired situation at a company.

There are two products that can be tested independently:

  • Assessment of documented system against one or more standards.
  • Assessment of actual working methods within the company against the documented system, the applicable legal requirements and the applicable standard(s).

Gap Analysis

The end result is a report/presentation with findings, opportunities for improvement and insight into which standard paragraphs the organization meets the desired standard.

Training and support

Auditing is a skill!

DIfAM offers tailor-made training to provide internal auditors with sufficient content and knowledge so that the organization can conduct internal audits that generate added value.

Each training consists of a number of fixed subjects:

  • Dealing with the relevant standard(s) and context.
  • Perform specific exercises and role plays with application of interview techniques.
  • Preparing an audit and making an audit plan.
  • The reporting and the process to follow up and review progress on findings.
  • Conducting a successful closing meeting between auditor and auditee and management.

A certificate of participation is issued for each training to candidates who have successfully completed the entire training.

Internal audits

If you as a company choose to outsource your internal audit process, DIfAM can take care of this for you. You can also choose to partially outsource the internal audits.

DIfAM can use its audit experience to carry out internal audits. Internal audits are intended to assess the effectiveness of the quality management system, business operations and work processes.

Starting point of any internal audit process is to effectively assess the critical processes. We are happy to share our vision for an effective risk-based multi-year programme.

A report is made in which positive points are mentioned, opportunities for improvement are indicated and deviations are linked to the relevant section of the standard.

DIfAM can train your internal auditors; a tailor-made approach based on your needs and experience with internal audits.


If you already have a contract with DIfAM as a certification body, it may be that we are not allowed to make an offer to provide the internal audits.