Certification Gap analysis Training & Support
Gap analysis
Training & Support

We have the knowledge and experience

DIfAM BV (Dutch Institute for Asset Management) is currently one of the leading independent service providers in the Netherlands for testing management systems, providing training and certifying against applicable quality standards such as ISO 9001, NTA 8120 and ISO 55001 standards. Certify against the ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and SCL the safety culture ladder.


DIfAM Certification focuses on certifying companies against the applicable standard, the internal quality system and the applicable legal requirements.

Conducting Gap Analysis

DIfAM uses a Gap analysis to reveal the difference between the current situation and the desired situation at a company.

Training and support

Customized training to internal auditors to conduct their own audits within their own organizations.

Internal audits

Assess effectiveness of quality management system, operations and work processes.

We have the knowledge and experience

DIfAM ( Dutch Institute for Asset Management) is currently one of the leading independent service providers in the Netherlands for testing management systems, providing training and certifying against applicable quality standards such as ISO 9001, NTA 8120 and ISO 55001 standards. Certify against the ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and SCL the safety culture ladder. It is also tested against the SCL safety ladder.

Our overall approach is “Risk Based.” This approach provides companies with better insight to identify critical risks. Audit results support you to improve further, which will contribute to satisfied customers and other stakeholders.

Method of working DIfAM

Personalcontact is important to us, with your organization at the center.

Our auditors are experienced in your industry and remain your point of contact during the certification period.

We are looking for freelance auditors

Working at DIfAM

Accreditation by

Dutch Accreditation Councel

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DIfAM is accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Counsel (Raad voor Accreditatie / RvA). For this purpose, accreditation audits are carried out at DIfAM. RvA checks whether we audit in accordance with the standards, but also whether our own processes are in order.Dutc

Your certificates always available

Customer Portal

As a DIfAM customer, you have direct access to your personal information. It will be made available digitally. You have instant access to all your audit data and certificates.


The team

Peter Heeren

Peter Heeren

Directeur (director) +

Kruno Grabovac

Directeur (director) +


Need advice?

Would you like advice on which certification or support suits your organization ?
Then fill out the form to the right or send us an email at info@difam.nl.

We will contact you as soon as possible.

    Contact details


    Visiting address

    Jan de Snooweg 17
    3065 HG Rotterdam
    The Netherlands


    +31-6-39329300 (Kruno)
    +31-6-51364366  (Peter)



    Visiting address

    Albert Joachimikade 3F
    4461 BG Goes
    The Netherlands

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